The Iranian ambassador was summoned to the Foreign Ministry
The Iranian ambassador to Denmark was summoned to the Danish Foreign Ministry on Monday afternoon.
The ambassador was summoned for talks in light of the weekend’s executions of two protesters in Tehran, the human rights situation in the country and the Iranian regime’s violent behaviour towards the peaceful protesters.
In connection with the conversation, Foreign Minister Lars Løkke Rasmussen (M) says:
-“We strongly condemn this weekend’s executions of two young Iranian protesters. This is totally unacceptable, and we have now said so in very clear terms to the Iranian regime. Iran has generally been going down a sad and destructive path lately. That is why I would like us to introduce further sanctions from the European Union. I will also raise this when I travel to Paris and Brussels tomorrow to meet my colleagues”.
The Political Director of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Anders Tang Friborg, conducted the conversation.