Foto: Kim Matthai Leland.

The ‘Axe Man’ has left Denmark

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The man who attempted to kill the cartoonist Kurt Westergaard with an axe is no longer in Denmark.

So writes

Kurt Westergaard was the cartoonist behind the drawing of a bearded man with a fuse-lit bomb in the turban, which was published by Jyllands-Posten along with 11 other Muhammad cartoons in 2005.

The cartoon was deemed blasphemous by many Muslims around the world and  sparked violent attacks and riots.

In 2010, Muhudiin Mohamed Geele broke into Westergaard’s home in Viby J. and attempted to attack him with an axe and a knife. This earned him the nickname ‘Axe Man’. Westergaard managed to secure himself.

Muhudiin Mohamed Geele was subsequently sentenced to ten years in prison and deportation from Denmark. After serving his prison sentence, he resided at the Kærshovedgård Departure Center.

According to, Muhudiin Mohamed Geele left Denmark in June last year. It is unknown where he is currently located.

Kurt Westergaard died on July 14th 2021 at age 86.

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