The police are establishing two stop-and-search zones in Copenhagen
Based on an ongoing conflict between two criminal factions from the biker and gang environments, the Copenhagen Police are establishing two stop-and-search zones. One zone covers Christiania and an area of Amager, while the other covers an area of Nørrebro and Nordvest.
This means that during a limited period, the police can conduct random inspections of individuals’ bodies, examine clothing and other items, as well as vehicles within the stop-and-search zones.
The stop-and-search zones are in effect from today, Monday, August 28, 2023, at 6:00 PM, until Tuesday, September 12, 2023, at 6:00 PM.
According to the police, Saturday’s shooting incident in Pusher Street is the latest violent act in the conflict.
“We will not tolerate the callous actions stemming from this conflict. Now we are increasing our presence, especially in Christiania and in locations where we know individuals from the involved groups gather. In addition to the efforts to enhance security, we are continuing our extensive investigation into both Saturday’s shooting incident in Pusher Street and the overall efforts against the biker and gang environment,” says Chief Police Inspector Søren Thomassen from the Copenhagen Police.
Stop-and-search zones
The stop-and-search zone for Christiania and a part of Amager covers the following area:
Prinsessegade – Refshalevej – Forlandet – Kløvermarksvej – Raffinaderivej – Prags Boulevard – Strandlodsvej – Lergravsvej – Østrigsgade – Øresundvej – Amagerbrogade – Christmas Møllers Plads – Torvegade – Prinsessegade

The stop-and-search zone for parts of Nørrebro and Nordvest covers the following area:
Mågevej – Glasvej – Frederiksborgvej – Bisiddervej – Lygten – Tagensvej – Rovsingsgade – Vermundsgade – Lersø Parkallé – Jagtvej – Tagensvej – Blegdamsvej – Fælledvej – Nørrebrogade – Peblinge Dossering – Åboulevard – Ågade – Jagtvej – Borups Allé – Mågevej