The Lord Mayor of Copenhagen invites a debate on the legalization of cannabis
The organized hash trade on Pusher Street in Christiania is, according to authorities, controlled by gangs and bikers, leading to several instances of violence and homicides. This creates insecurity for both the residents of Christiania and visitors.
A group of Christianites attempted to block Pusher Street a few weeks ago to keep hash sellers out. However, despite only a few hours passing before the hash trade resumed, it has sparked a serious discussion about how to address these issues.
-“The situation on Pusher Street is deeply serious. The Christianites have clearly expressed their rejection of the constant insecurity, which was recently highlighted by yet another brutal shooting. I fully support the Christianites,” says openhagens Lord Mayor Sophie Hæstorp Andersen (S).
This is the same complex issue that has been a subject of debate for years in the Municipality of Copenhagen, where the City Council has asked successive governments five times for permission to legalize cannabis in the capital on a trial basis. The answer, however, has been the same each time, including recently: No.
Now, on behalf of the City Council, the Lord Mayor is inviting a debate on the advantages and disadvantages of cannabis legalization. This initiative comes after the Lord Mayor convened meetings with, among others, individuals from Christiania, the Ministry of Justice, and the Copenhagen Police to develop a comprehensive plan for the Municipality of Copenhagen that would close down Pusher Street.
-“For me, there is no doubt that legalization is one of several tools we must consider to undermine the criminal market. I respect that it’s a divisive issue, but I hope we can now initiate a nuanced debate,” says the Lord Mayor.
The meeting, scheduled for September 18th at 4:30 PM at Islands Brygge Kulturhus, will feature leading experts in the field as well as municipal and parliamentary politicians. Registration for the meeting is available on the Copenhagen Municipality’s website.