Government Drops Maximum Temperature Requirement of 19 Degrees
There is good news for public employees, as the government has decided to drop, among other things, the requirement for a maximum of 19 degrees in buildings.
The instruction was implemented in September of last year due to uncertain energy supply security. In addition to the maximum temperature of 19 degrees, there were also shorter heating seasons and requirements to turn off unnecessary lights, both indoors and outdoors.
But that is now over.
-“Both Denmark and Europe are in a better place than last year. Energy prices are lower, and Europe’s energy reserves are well-stocked,” says Minister of Climate, Energy, and Utilities Lars Aagaard.
Even though the government is now lifting last year’s instruction, monitoring energy consumption remains important:
-“However, the energy challenge has not disappeared. It is still important for Danes and Danish businesses to keep an eye on energy consumption and remember good energy habits. Limiting energy waste remains the best insurance against rising prices and supply problems. The government closely monitors the Danish and European supply situation, and we are ready to take action if the situation worsens,” says Minister of Climate, Energy, and Utilities Lars Aagaard.