Copenhagen Police Establish Stop-and-Search Zones Amid Loyal To Familia and Hells Angels MC Conflict
The current conflict between Loyal To Familia and Hells Angels MC prompts Copenhagen Police to immediately establish three stop-and-search zones in the capital.
The police assess that there is still a conflict between the two groups, and recent incidents in the police district are believed to be rooted in this conflict.
This includes an incident on December 30, where a hand grenade was thrown into a kiosk on Islevhusvej in Brønshøj, resulting in serious injuries to a 19-year-old man. Another case is from Worsaaesvej on Frederiksberg on January 13, where a 22-year-old man was shot and killed in a car.
Stop-and-search zones will be set up in Nørrebro and Frederiksberg, one in Amagerbro, and one in Brønshøj and Husum. The police report finding several pistols and knives linked to the conflict in these areas recently.
“We will not tolerate such violent incidents. Therefore, we are now introducing three stop-and-search zones, which are another tool to get weapons out of the hands of gangs and ensure the safety of citizens,” says Chief Police Inspector Søren Thomassen.
Loyal To Familia and Hells Angels MC operate in these three areas, where, according to the police, they are part of the organized criminal environment. Therefore, Copenhagen Police assesses an increased risk of incidents involving weapons in these areas.
The stop-and-search zones allow the police to conduct random searches of individuals and vehicles within the zone without specific suspicion.
The stop-and-search zones are initially effective from today, Thursday, January 18, 2024, at 5:00 PM, until Thursday, February 1, 2024, at 5:00 PM, in three geographically defined areas: