Nørrebro Station gets a much-needed upgrade
Together with DSB, the Municipality of Copenhagen aims to give the worn-down Nørreport Station and the surrounding area a much-needed boost – it is intended to make travelers feel safer when moving around the station.
Malfunctioning escalators, limited access routes to the platform, issues with crime, outdoor sleeping, unauthorized flea markets, and a relatively desolate, unsafe, and worn-down station building characterize Nørrebro Station today. The Municipality of Copenhagen, in collaboration with DSB, is determined to address these issues.
-“There is a need to revitalize Nørrebro Station. The entire area should be made safer and more accessible, encouraging more people to choose public transportation. Overall, Copenhagen aims to become much greener. An upgrade to Nørrebro Station will benefit passengers, commuters, and residents of the area. Funding from the state’s pool will make a crucial difference,” says Copenhagen’s Lord Mayor Sophie Hæstorp Andersen (S).
Specifically, the Municipality of Copenhagen has applied for funds from the pool to remove non-functional escalators, establish new stairs to the platform south of Ørnevej, create a new public space at Bregnerødgade, develop a green cycling route and public space in the passage between Glentevej and Ørnevej, and provide bicycle parking at the station.
The Municipality of Copenhagen has applied for an amount ranging between DKK 35-45 million from the state’s fund. The majority of the funds are intended for upgrading Nørrebro Station, but the municipality will also seek funding for smaller initiatives at Bispebjerg, Sjælør, and Sydhavn Stations. In addition to the funds from the pool, DSB will allocate approximately DKK 30 million from its own resources for the renovation of the Nørrebro station building.
The Municipality of Copenhagen intends to continue its collaboration and finalize the further course of action with DSB for the upgrade of Nørrebro Station in 2024, with the involvement of the two local committees in the project.
The state’s pool for creating safer, more attractive, and greener stations is expected to be allocated at the beginning of this year.