53-Year-Old Man Remanded in Custody in 34-Year-Old Homicide Case
A 53-year-old man has been remanded in custody in a 34-year-old homicide case, as reported by the prosecution of the Copenhagen Police.
The 53-year-old was arrested and charged with the murder of Hanne With, who was found killed by multiple stab wounds in her apartment on Fensmarksgade in Nørrebro on New Year’s night in 1990.
The homicide has been under investigation over the years, and with advancements in DNA technology, the Copenhagen Police have focused on analyzing DNA material found on the victim’s trousers, which very likely originated from the perpetrator.
An analysis conducted by the Forensic Genetics Department at the Forensic Medicine Institute has now provided a breakthrough in the 34-year-old case. The analysis revealed that the DNA material originates from a close family member of a specific individual whose DNA is in the police DNA database.
Based on this information, the Copenhagen Police arrested a 53-year-old man on Tuesday and charged him with the murder of Hanne With. The man was arrested at his workplace in northern Jutland. He has lived in the area around Ebeltoft, Grenaa, and Randers for many years.
In the past 24 hours, the Forensic Genetics Department has analyzed the suspect’s DNA, and the results indicate that the man is very likely the source of the DNA material found on the victim’s clothing. Further investigative steps will now be taken to uncover the case.
Remanded in Custody
The 53-year-old was brought before a preliminary hearing in the Copenhagen City Court on Wednesday morning.
He was remanded in custody for an initial period of 27 days.