Bandidos MC Facing Ban Following Investigation
Justice Minister Peter Hummelgaard (S) announced on Wednesday that Bandidos MC is to be banned.
The National Unit for Special Crime (NSK) has been investigating Bandidos MC to determine if there is sufficient evidence to suggest that the group in Denmark has illegal intentions. Based on the investigation, the Attorney General has concluded that there is a basis to initiate legal proceedings for the dissolution of Bandidos MC in Denmark under Section 78 of the Constitution.
The National Unit for Special Crime (NSK) will also explore options for imposing a preliminary ban on Bandidos MC in Denmark.
Both the National Police and the Attorney General have endorsed the recommendation, and on that basis, the Attorney General has recommended to the Justice Minister that such proceedings be initiated, a recommendation which the Justice Minister has now accepted.
Justice Minister Peter Hummelgaard stated:
“I am very encouraged by the Attorney General’s assessment that there is sufficient evidence to pursue a dissolution case against Bandidos MC in Denmark. The case will now proceed through the courts. Criminal groups should not be able to hide behind the Constitution. Freedom of association was not created to protect common criminals. I do not imagine that a ban alone can combat the gangs, but it will contribute to weakening them. For example, the police assess it as a tool that makes it more difficult for the gangs to recruit new members. Politically, I am ready to do whatever it takes in the fight against the gangs. That is why I am also pleased that with the gang package agreed upon by the government and a broad majority of parties in the autumn, we are providing our authorities with even more tools and overall tightening the grip on the gangs.”
Initially, a preliminary ban will be imposed on Bandidos MC in Denmark, followed by legal proceedings for the dissolution of Bandidos to be addressed in the courts.