Rasmus Paludan is a candidate for the EU elections in Sweden
When Swedes go to the polls for the European Parliament election, one of the candidates they can vote for is the Danish-Swedish candidate Rasmus Paludan.
Paludan, mostly known at home for his Quran burnings and the party Stram Kurs, is running in Sweden for Folklistan.
Folklistan has a so-called “open candidate list,” which means that anyone could sign up as a candidate for the list. As Rasmus Paludan holds both Danish and Swedish citizenship, he has taken advantage of the opportunity to run.
Rasmus Paludan’s name appears on the candidate list on the Swedish election authorities’ website.
Folklistan was founded in April this year by the former Social Democrat Jan Emanuel and the former Christian Democrat Sara Skyttedal. They are also the party’s top candidates.