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The Lord Mayor wants quick clarification in a case concerning day care institutions at risk of closure

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Copenhagen’s Lord Mayor Sophie Hæstorp Andersen is now summoning the City Council for an extraordinary meeting regarding the future of 33 Copenhagen day care institutions.

At an extraordinary meeting yesterday on Wednesday, the Children and Youth Committee was to make a decision in a case concerning the closure or adjustment of capacity for 33 of the municipality’s named day care institutions due to falling numbers of children.

The Children and Youth Mayor did not manage to reach consensus in the committee. The case ended with the Alternative party choosing to halt the matter. This means specifically that it is being transferred from the Children and Youth Committee to be discussed at the next City Council meeting.

However, since that meeting is only scheduled for August, Lord Mayor Sophie Hæstorp Andersen has invoked the right to summon an extraordinary meeting of the City Council.

“It is crucial to me that we as politicians take responsibility and provide security and safety for Copenhagen’s families with children and for the municipality’s skilled employees. It is not fair to send children, parents, and employees on summer vacation with such great uncertainty about the future of the institutions. The personal costs of leaving the matter until August are simply far too high. That is why I have chosen to summon the City Council for an extraordinary meeting as quickly as possible,” says Lord Mayor Sophie Hæstorp Andersen (Social Democrats).

The extraordinary City Council meeting will take place on the morning of Tuesday, June 25th.

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