Police extend stop and search zones in Copenhagen
Copenhagen Police have chosen to extend the two stop and search zones that were established earlier this month in response to the conflict between two gang factions.
According to the police, one faction does not have a fixed base, while the other faction operates around Inner Nørrebro and the area around Holmbladsgade in Amager.
The two stop and search zones, implemented on August 9, cover parts of Nørrebro, Frederiksberg, and Nordvest, as well as an area on Amager. This is where the police assess that there is the highest likelihood of further incidents in the conflict taking place.
600 individuals searched
Copenhagen Police report that during the two weeks when the stop and search zones have been in place, they have searched over 600 individuals and have confiscated, among other items, a loaded gun, around 15 knives, and five pepper sprays.
“Our goal is to remove as many weapons as possible from the streets, and in the current situation, we have assessed that an extension of the stop and search zones will support this work,” says chief police inspector Søren Thomassen.
The stop and search zones will be extended until Friday, September 20 at 5:00 p.m.
In the stop-and-search zones, the police can conduct random checks of individuals and vehicles, without needing to have a specific suspicion of criminal activity.
Zone 1 is delineated by:
Nørrebrogade – Peblinge Dossering – Svineryggen – Danasvej – Vodroffsvej – Niels Ebbesens Vej – H.C. Ørsteds Vej – Kastanievej – Bülowsvej – Grundtvigsvej – Falkoner Allé – Gammel Kongevej – Smallegade – Hospitalsvej – Howitzvej – Sylows Allé – Falkoner Plads – Solbjergvej – Solbjerg Plads – Nyelandsvej – Falkoner Allé – Jagtvej – Borups Allé – Utterslevvej – Utterslev Torv – Skoleholdervej – Frederiksborgvej – Tuborgvej – Tagensvej – Rovsingsgade – Vermundsgade – Lersø Parkallé – Jagtvej – Tagensvej – Blegdamsvej – Fælledvej – Nørrebrogade.

Zone 2 is delineated by:
Amagerbrogade – Uplandsgade – Strandlodsvej – Øresundsvej.