Found approximately 50 deceased horses buried at stud farm
In recent times, Stuttetriet Viegård near Viborg has been accused of neglecting horses on the premises.
Authorities have previously conducted inspections at the Stud Farm, and on Wednesday, Midt- og Vestjyllands Police, in collaboration with the Danish Veterinary and Food Administration (Fødevarestyrelsen) and Viborg Municipality, carried out another inspection at the location. This time, illegally buried horses were discovered.
Midt- og Vestjyllands Police announced this in a press release.
“We have conducted a large, unannounced inspection today (Wednesday – editor’s note). Buildings and fields, known to the police through reports and citizen inquiries, have now been thoroughly examined,” says Vice Police Inspector Christian Toftemark from Midt- og Vestjyllands Police.
Authorities have excavated several areas at different addresses. Approximately 50 buried horses have been found in the soil.
“During the inspection, we have determined that there are buried horses. There has been neither a search nor permission granted for burial. This is illegal and a violation of environmental protection law,” says Hans Jørn Laursen, Director of Technology and Environment in Viborg Municipality.
“Parts of the excavated horses will also be sent for examination, where pathologists will try to determine whether the horses died as a result of starvation,” says Flemming Kure Marker, Chief Veterinarian at the Danish Veterinary and Food Administration.
In collaboration with the police, the Danish Veterinary and Food Administration has inspected approximately 390 live horses at the stud farm.
During the inspection, the owner and employees of the stud farm cooperated with the authorities. Additionally, the owner has given consent for Midt- og Vestjyllands Police to inform the public that the inspection of the live horses will result in a significant number of injunctions due to improper treatment of horses, but that no horses have been found where the conditions can be categorized as severely improper or abuse.
“Citizens who have remained outside the cordon have respected the instructions of the police and allowed the authorities to work,” says Vice Police Inspector Christian Toftemark, appealing to stud farm employees and citizens in general to continue to adhere to the rules and avoid escalating conflicts.