18-Year-Old Charged with Murder and Attempted Murder in Christiania Shooting
On Sunday afternoon, the police will bring an 18-year-old man to a preliminary hearing, charged with murder and attempted murder following the killing of a 30-year-old man on Pusher Street on Saturday evening.
The 18-year-old was arrested on Saturday evening.
Police investigation and interviews with witnesses and the other injured individuals have shown that two masked perpetrators began firing shots before entering the “Stjerneskibet” and thus hitting the four other people who were injured.
The police’s working hypothesis is that the two perpetrators targeted the 30-year-old who was killed at “Stjerneskibet”. According to the police, the 30-year-old had ties to a motorcycle gang.
-“The perpetrators’ ruthless and callous actions, in which they not only cold-bloodedly killed a 30-year-old man but also fired shots outside, injuring others, are completely unacceptable,” says Chief Police Inspector at Copenhagen Police, Poul Kjeldsen.
The 18-year-old, like another man, was arrested on Saturday evening at Christiania. However, while it was established that the other man was not involved in the shooting and was released, the police have chosen to charge the 18-year-old with murder and attempted murder in conjunction with currently unknown perpetrators.
The 18-year-old will be presented in a preliminary hearing on Sunday afternoon at the Court of Frederiksberg.