
Authorities: You should be able to handle yourself for three days during a crisis

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The Emergency Management Agency (Beredskabsstyrelsen) is now issuing a series of recommendations on how Danes can survive for three days in the event of a crisis situation.

The recommendations were presented at a press conference on Saturday afternoon by Minister of Defense Troels Lund Poulsen and Director of the Emergency Management Agency Laila Reenberg.

They both highlighted that there is no immediate military threat to Denmark, but that fundamentally, Denmark is a safe and secure country. It is primarily extreme weather and the possibility of cyberattacks from Russia that have prompted authorities to now provide a series of recommendations to the Danish population.

The recommendations are advisory, but include ensuring that individuals have water, food, medication, hygiene products, money, and similar essentials at home so that they can survive for three days.

The brochure can be downloaded from the Emergency Management Agency’s website (in Danish only) and will later be distributed via e-boks to all Danes, circulated in printed form through venues such as libraries, and possibly distributed to all Danish households after the summer holiday.


The Danish Emergency Management Agency has issued this checklist for inspiration. The checklist consists of suggestions covering the most basic needs.

Drinking water

3 liters per person per day

Possible water for pets


Food for three days, long-lasting and easy to prepare

Medicine and first aid

  • Necessary medication for the household
  • First aid kit
  • Possible iodine tablets for individuals under 40 years old, pregnant women, and breastfeeding mothers

Hygiene items

  • Toilet paper
  • Hand sanitizer
  • Diapers, pads/tampons, or other relevant items for your household


  • Blankets, duvets, warm clothing

Other necessities

  • Power bank or battery pack for your mobile phone
  • Flashlight
  • Batteries
  • Physical debit cards (remember PIN) and possibly coins and small bills
  • Possible candles and matches

Special needs

  • Are there children or elderly individuals in the household?
  • Do you reside in a vulnerable area, e.g., prone to flooding?
  • Do you have alternative transportation options in case of flooding?
  • Can you help or receive help from family, neighbors, and friends?


  • FM radio running on batteries/hand crank/solar power (or possibly your car radio)

Source: Beredskabsstyrelsen / Danish Emergency Management Agency.

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