
Five residents at departure center convicted in drug case

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Four foreign men and one foreign woman have been convicted for possession and trafficking of drugs – all five were residents at Kærshovedgård Departure Center at the time of the offenses.

The five were sentenced to unconditional imprisonment for their role in a case involving possession and resale of a total of eight kilograms of cocaine and heroin.

The four men aged 30, 33, 34, and 36 were each sentenced to eight years of unconditional imprisonment. The 35-year-old woman was sentenced to five years of imprisonment for her involvement.

All defendants were also permanently expelled from the country.

“I am satisfied that the court’s judgment is largely in line with the charges. It is a serious case that has been long in the making, so I am also pleased that we are now finally putting a temporary end to it,” says prosecutor Linette Lysgaard from the prosecution authority at the Midt- og Vestjyllands Police.

During the investigation of the case, the police seized not only drugs and phones but also over half a million Danish Kroner in cash, which was confiscated by the judgment.

All five convicted individuals chose to appeal the judgment immediately.

Kærshovedgård Departure Center is under the Correctional Services and accommodates rejected asylum seekers, individuals expelled by court order, and individuals on tolerated stay. The residents are not deprived of their liberty and can freely enter and leave the center. However, residents are generally subject to a requirement to stay at the center, meaning they are obliged to reside and spend the night there.

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